We421a tube data book

The tube may be mounted in either a vertical or horizontal position. The chinese 6n11 may work, but it is also low quality, so why bother. Another spot to look, which is especially useful if youre looking for replacement types and tubes with similar bases or characteristics, is the nj7p tube database. Base quad oo getter trimica 6as7 6as7g cv2523 we421a. Audio asylum tubes asylum questions about tubes and gear that glows. In a few cases, when the 1966 edition omitted graphics on obsolete tubes, i inserted scans from the 1948 ginkins reference book. If you have never used this facility before, click the help link on the left for detailed instructions. The kr are head and shoulders imho the better tube that being said the vaic may have imp 10.

The western electric 421a is one of the best ever, large dual triode tubes intended for. I recently had an opportunity to read the book and here is my overview of the new electron tube book. My amp uses just one 421a for output, really simple and maybe 4 watts. Substitutes are given as a guide only please refer to original manufacturers data sheets to ensure that a substitute is safe and appropriate for your application. Preliminary western electric datasheet dated december 1948. In electronics, a vacuum tube, electron tube in north america, tube, or thermionic valve or valve in british english is a device controlling electric current through a vacuum in a sealed container. This blog however covers a lot more than set, and is not exclusively tuberelated. Western electric 300b audio tube hifi amplifier amp. It is intended for use as a series tube in regulated rectifier circuits. Tube prices, 1 tube prices visible for members only. The pin connections are the same in the 6922, so if your unit does not exceed 125 volts on the tube plates, you may be able to use a much better nos 6922. Welcome to the tube data sheet locator, a popular web resource for finding data on vacuum tubes. Herein you will find a collection of vintage engineering texts, vacuum tube datasheets, and other obsolete information, presented free of charge and without annoying advertisements. According to the web, chinese manufacturer shanling a good company in my book, said to have long been majority shareholder of.

Literature, essential characteristics, ge 1973 manufacturers. Some datasheets are only one page 3050k, some are 810 pages 300k and more. The simplest vacuum tube, the diode, contains only two elements. The thick hard bound book is 834 pages and seemingly covers what appears to be just about every topic on the subject of audio amplifier design with vacuum tubes. The performance data shown include the fundamental power output in milliwatts and the second and third. Some 6as7 tube amps can use the 421a as well but check with the amp manufacturer. The we 421a tube is very rare now but is a worthwhile option for amps that use 5998 tubes. Tried to do a blind rolling of the we 421a vs tungsol 5998 with my. It passed in quality practically any tubes in 300b tube amp that we tried.

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